Understanding the Benefits and Usage of an Outside Slide AAC Core Board

outside slide aac core board

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) systems have become increasingly essential in providing a voice to those who face challenges with verbal communication. One such tool, the Outside Slide AAC Core Board, offers a unique and practical way to enhance communication for individuals of all ages and abilities. In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about Outside Slide AAC Core Boards, from their functionality and benefits to practical implementation and customization.

An AAC Core Board is a communication tool that displays a collection of symbols or words, allowing individuals who struggle with speech to communicate effectively. These boards are used by tapping, pointing, or looking at the desired symbol to convey a message. The symbols typically represent core vocabulary, which are the most frequently used words in daily communication.

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The Evolution of AAC Tools

The journey of AAC tools has been remarkable, evolving from simple picture boards to sophisticated speech-generating devices. However, the simplicity and accessibility of AAC Core Boards remain unparalleled. Over time, these boards have been adapted to meet the needs of various environments, leading to the development of options like the Outside Slide AAC Core Board.

Why an Outside Slide AAC Core Board?

The Outside Slide AAC Core Board is specifically designed for outdoor use, making it durable and easy to use in different weather conditions. This feature is essential for individuals who spend significant time outside, whether for educational activities, therapy, or recreational purposes. The sliding mechanism protects the symbols from the elements while still being readily accessible.

How Does an Outside Slide AAC Core Board Work?

The Outside Slide AAC Core Board functions much like any traditional AAC Core Board but with added protection. It usually consists of a durable frame with a sliding cover that shields the core vocabulary symbols when not in use. The user can slide the cover open to reveal the symbols and communicate as needed. This makes it both practical and protective, especially for outdoor environments.

Key Features of an Outside Slide AAC Core Board

  • Durable Construction: Built to withstand weather conditions like rain, wind, and sun.
  • Sliding Cover: Protects the core symbols from damage when not in use.
  • Portable Design: Easy to carry, making it ideal for outdoor activities.
  • Customizable Layout: The board can be tailored to include specific symbols relevant to the user.
  • Accessible for All Ages: Designed for ease of use, whether for children, adults, or seniors.

Benefits of Using an Outside Slide AAC Core Board

Enhanced Communication

The primary benefit of any AAC Core Board is the ability to communicate effectively. The Outside Slide version ensures this communication is possible in a variety of settings, including outdoor environments where traditional boards might be less practical.

Increased Independence

By providing a reliable means of communication outdoors, users can participate more fully in activities without needing constant assistance.

Durability and Longevity

The design of the Outside Slide AAC Core Board ensures that it lasts longer than typical boards, thanks to its protective features.


Whether at a park, during an outdoor class, or on a field trip, the board’s portability and protection make it a versatile communication tool.

Customizing Your AAC Core Board

Customization is key to making any AAC Core Board truly effective. Users can work with therapists or educators to select the most relevant core vocabulary symbols. The Outside Slide AAC Core Board can be customized with symbols tailored to outdoor activities, making communication more contextually appropriate.

Who Can Benefit from an Outside Slide AAC Core Board?


Children with speech and language challenges benefit significantly from AAC Core Boards, as these tools can be used in various outdoor learning activities, promoting inclusivity and engagement.


For adults who experience speech difficulties due to conditions such as stroke, ALS, or traumatic brain injury, an Outside Slide AAC Core Board offers a practical communication solution that extends beyond indoor environments.


Seniors with conditions like dementia or aphasia can maintain communication during outdoor activities, enhancing their quality of life.

How to Introduce an Outside Slide AAC Core Board

For Children

Introducing the board to children should be done gradually. Start by using it during favorite outdoor activities, and reinforce its use with consistent practice and encouragement.

For Adults

For adults, it’s important to explain the board’s purpose and demonstrate its use in familiar outdoor settings. Integrating it into daily routines can help make its use more natural.

Common Challenges and Solutions

Challenge: Weather Conditions

  • Solution: The sliding cover is designed to protect against weather, but it’s also wise to store the board in a weatherproof bag when not in use.

User Reluctance

  • Solution: Gradual introduction and positive reinforcement can help users become more comfortable with the board.

Challenge: Symbol Overload

  • Solution: Start with a few essential symbols and gradually add more as the user becomes familiar with the board.

Tips for Effective Use

  • Consistency is Key: Regular use of the board in various outdoor settings helps reinforce its effectiveness.
  • Involve Peers and Caregivers: Ensure that those around the user understand how to support communication using the board.
  • Monitor Progress: Keep track of how the user engages with the board and make adjustments as needed.

Success Stories

Many individuals have experienced increased independence and communication through the use of Outside Slide AAC Core Boards. For instance, a young boy with autism was able to participate more fully in outdoor school activities, thanks to his customized board. Similarly, an adult stroke survivor found renewed confidence in communicating with family members during outdoor gatherings.

The Future of AAC Core Boards

As technology and design continue to advance, AAC Core Boards will likely become even more adaptable and user-friendly. Future innovations may include more interactive elements or digital integration, expanding the possibilities for effective communication.


The Outside Slide AAC Core Board is a powerful tool that breaks down communication barriers, allowing individuals with speech difficulties to engage fully in outdoor activities. Its durable design, combined with the ability to customize, makes it an invaluable resource for children, adults, and seniors alike. By understanding how to use and adapt this tool, caregivers and educators can significantly enhance the quality of life for those who rely on AAC systems.


What is the main difference between an Outside Slide AC Core Board and a traditional AAC Core Board?

The Outside Slide AC Core Board includes a sliding cover that protects the symbols from outdoor elements, making it more durable and practical for outdoor use.

How do I customize an Outside Slide AC Core Board?

Work with a therapist or educator to select core vocabulary symbols that are most relevant to the user’s daily activities, especially those that take place outdoors.

Is the Outside Slide AC Core Board suitable for all ages?

Yes, it is designed to be accessible and effective for individuals of all ages, including children, adults, and seniors.

Can the Outside Slide AC Core Board be used in all weather conditions?

While the board is designed to withstand various weather conditions, it’s recommended to store it in a weatherproof bag when not in use to extend its longevity.

What are some common challenges when using an Outside Slide AC Core Board?

Challenges may include weather conditions, user reluctance, and symbol overload. These can be mitigated with proper care, gradual introduction, and thoughtful customization.


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